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YouTube Music on MyAppFree
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YouTube Music

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Simple and effective music app

YouTube Music is one of those simplistic apps that get the job done impeccably. For users who like to cut straight to the chase, this is ideal for you. Its new UI has a Minimal interface with straightforward shortcuts to help you maneuver easier. At the bottom center of the app is the explore button that when pressed on shows all the new albums and singles in one viewing.

Also, rather than add fresh music to your existing library one by one, YouTube takes away all the stress by letting you insert whole albums instead.  A click on the plus icon instantaneously loads all your fresh additions to one main tab.  Now you can own one huge library and shuffle the songs effortlessly! Far from being simplistic, the app uses an algorithmic system to make selective recommendations.

Essentially, it follows the stuff you’ve been listening to lately versus just showing random new releases. Talk about personalization!  And just to show how specific it can get, there’s an entire Moods & Genres dashboard allocated for this purpose.

Need an app that offers your preferred style? Get YouTube free from your local app store!

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