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Cooking Craze on MyAppFree
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Cooking Craze

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This is the high-intensity kitchen game that will have your heart pumping with excitement!

Take charge of the kitchen and keep the customers happy--this is how you play Cooking Craze.

And it sure can get craaaazy in the kitchen! You have to learn how to multitask. Grill burger patties to perfection while also heating up some soup and filling up a glass of cold lemonade. Whew!

You need to be able to work under pressure and have an awesome response time, because these customers won’t wait too long for their orders. A customer leaving dissatisfied with your service would mean you will lose the precious $$$ you need to branch out and build your restaurant empire.

It gets even more fun as you cook your way through the levels and you start to upgrade your kitchen equipment. 

This game is free to download and play!

Remember, you need to race against the clock so...cook cook cook! And do not stop!

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