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Google Keep - Notes and lists on MyAppFree
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Google Keep - Notes and lists

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Ideal for lists

Keep getting random ideas and wish you could quickly note them down somewhere before they escape your mind? Google Keep got you. You can speak down a note, while on the go, and the app will automatically transcribe it and keep it safe for you. Reminders of what you noted down shall then be sent when you are settled down and in the right place. There are checkboxes to keep track of what you have already taken care of and what’s still pending.

Apart from voice notes, the app also allows photos, memos, receipts, documents, web clippings, and the like. These can be neatly organized using colors, labels, and sub-categories for easier retrieval via the search function. If you have several devices, you will find this app even more useful as it allows you to sync all of them - thus your notes are always with you! You can also share your files with anyone in your contacts, keeping them up to speed with what you are up to.

Google keeps works just fine with apps like word, in case you may want to export or print something. Download it today on Google play store or Apple store.

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