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Hungry Shark World on MyAppFree
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Hungry Shark World

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Feed the hungry and fierce shark with fishes, birds whales, and even some humans.

It brings about the blood lust in games that you have been waiting for. The best thing about this game aside from satiating the feeding frenzy of the shark in action, you would be able to learn about the 33 species of sharks. Although, in this world of arcade game, you can equip your sharks with snazzy jaws and customizable skin. What’s most entertaining is that you can actually dress your shark to the nines with headphones, umbrella. The bolder, the better and the fiercer your shark is!

It is super fun wading through the vast oceans in the world with 20 different missions. It can be hilarious but it can also be an informative kind of game that will make you aware and give some love to the sharks. Controls are easy to use and super entertaining. The graphics are absolutely awesome too. With all things said, this is a game that compels you to come back and play more. Both available on Google Play and App Store.

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