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Happy Couple on MyAppFree
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Happy Couple

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This quiz-style app will help you and your partner get to know each other more intimately to help grow your relationship!

There is a certain point in a relationship wherein it sort of hits a plateau. Not everything is as exciting and as intense as when you first started out. This can be attributed to a lack of communication. Now, not every individual is comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings because of fear of judgment, rejection, and trivializing their feelings. 

With Happy Couple, you and your partner now have a platform to express those repressed thoughts and feelings by way of answering questions about yourselves. By answering just five short questions per day, you can get to know your partner better!

There are 6 different topics that range from talking about emotions, sex, relationship issues, intimacy etc. You may have questions that have escaped your radar and would never dare ask your partner, well...Happy Couple will do it for you!

Begin to understand your significant other even deeper with this app. Download it for free now!

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