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M1 Finance: Yours to build. on MyAppFree
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M1 Finance: Yours to build.

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Take the guesswork out of investing

Although a recent app, M 1 finance is giving old-age investor apps like Robinhood a run for their money! Why, you ask? Summed up, the simple answer is a competitive edge. Take for instance fractional shares which allow users to buy less than one share of a given stock. In fact as little as up to 1/10,000th of any share.

Another strong feature is dividend reinvestment where you can reinvest back into your stocks with the money generated. Your money grows exponentially because of compound interest, so it's a win-win! To make it easier, an auto-investment feature does this for you once turned on. When dividends are paid, they are retained in the cash balance held within your account up until that balance exceeds 10 dollars.

The app will then plow back the 10 dollars across your entire portfolio. Kind of a set-and-forget technique that works great for persons who dislike the hustle of doing it manually. M 1 Finance also supports purely customizable pie portfolios. You can build your investment pie from scratch if you know how to work your way around it, but for beginners who need guidance, this too is available.

Take the guesswork out of investing by getting your mobile M 1 Finance app today for absolutely free!

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