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Extremely easy to use

It’s neat and modern interface makes it one of the easiest notes app to use. You can take down notes, add photos, utilize checklists, add voice notes, and attach or scan documents. The app spices things up through its customization features that allow you change its color or theme, making writing even more interesting!

To organize your files, you can stack them into categories and add a widget to your home screen to help look them over. In future, when you have hundreds or more, you can easily locate a particular file using their keywords on search. 

Smart note developers have gone a step further and provided Password Protection where you set a password and activate a security lock. This way, no unauthorized persons can access your data. You are also advised to back your data to Google Drive, such that, if you lose your gadgets or experience any technical hitches, your data and hard work will not go down the drain.

Taking into consideration, all the above features it is a wonder why the app is freely accessible - but it is! Better make hay while the sun still shines. The App is free to download for both Android and IOS.

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