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Aura: Meditation & Sleep on MyAppFree
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Aura: Meditation & Sleep

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Let us take a moment to appreciate Aura’s aesthetics. It is so pretty and that enough may get you motivated.

However, that is not why Aura is one of the meditation apps in the market. Aura in itself is usually named as the “Spotify” of the meditation apps but that is not all, it also uses an algorithm to make sure to recommend meditation that fits you. 

It also comes with a 3-minute daily habit for self -care which many of the users actually love and use. Just for 3 minutes daily can jumpstart your journey to a better you. What’s more interesting about this meditation app, is you can track your mood pattern and make you see the big picture of how you are. The user also has space for a gratitude journal where you can add in your insights and reflections and things to be thankful for. It is an absolute companion to have in a world of mindless chaos to get you more focused and conscious throughout the day. 

Fortunately, this app is also available both in Google Play and App Store so more people can enjoy this.

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