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Card Thief on MyAppFree
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Card Thief

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The gameplay in Card Thief involves moving through a deck of playing cards as a devious thief. Hide from the guards, extinguish the torches, steal valuable relics without getting busted and avoid detection.

With regards to your thief den, you may use your stolen goods that unlock powerful card types.

Card Thief, which is an official sequel to Tinytouchtales critically acclaimed dungeon crawler Card Crawl, attempts to encapsulate the cloaking genre into a solitaire game. 

The game is widely available and difficult with a depth range of tactics and risk reward dynamics on top. A heist allows you to test yourself against the various enemy types and traps in a level. 

By completing heists you unlock and upgrade 12 unique weapons to upgrade your stats and player level.

Key Features:

  • Card game gameplay.
  • Four different heists that vary in combatant and hurdle type.
  • 12 unlockable weapons and upgradable weapons.
  • Small deck building.
  • The Underground Heist with International Highscores.
  • A deep strategic analysis of the tactical stealth genre.
  • 2-3 minutes per game.

If you don’t believe us, try to download the app today and see it for yourself.

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