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Should I Answer?

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Stop spam calls! Block annoying calls you don't want!

This brilliant app gives you the information you need to determine whether or not to take an incoming call. As your phone is ringing, you will get a glance at how legitimate the incoming call is likely to be. 

As soon as you block a number directly, the caller will not be able to reach you. It allows you to block even hidden, foreign, or premium rate numbers.

Should I Answer has a unique database - The app's users write it directly: after each unknown call the users can rate it anonymously either as secure or as spam. You can also submit your own ratings and reviews on the calls you receive.

Other interesting features are, it allows you to decide what information you submit to the database, it doesn’t upload your contacts, and it works offline.

Get rid of spam callers once and for all! Download is absolutely FREE!

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