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PUBG MOBILE - Traverse on MyAppFree
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PUBG MOBILE - Traverse

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PlayerUnknown Battlegrounds or more commonly known as PUBG set the gaming world ablaze with its arrival in 2017.

PUBG is actually credited for launching the battle royale genre into stardom. Almost everybody who has played a mobile game, has ventured into playing PUBG. PUBG packs all the excitement and fun into one highly replayable game. 

You, along with 99 other players will be deployed onto an island weaponless. Experience an exhilarating feeling as you fall from a plane and feel a bit disoriented as you try to gather your bearings. The moment your feet hit the ground, the bloodbath begins. You must scavenge for useful weapons or else you’d only have your fists to fight your opponents with. You won’t stand a chance if you don’t strategize well. This is a game where you either kill or be killed. 

As the players get eliminated and the number gets smaller, you have to be aware of the dangerous force field. The playing field gets smaller and the circle shrinks. You have to be mindful and always remain within the circle. How tragic would it be if it were down to 10 players and you got killed by not standing in the safe zone. 

Be the last person standing and get winner winner chicken dinner!

Get PUBG for free and be prepared to spend countless hours playing this highly addictive battle royale game!

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