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Morphin on MyAppFree
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Morphin will have you rolling on the floor laughing. This is the most epic GIF app in existence.

With thousands available in the market, apps need to step up their game to entertain its users. Morphin seamlessly blends fun with creativity.

Let me explain. This app allows its users to instantly CGI their faces and plaster it onto iconic GIFs and memes. So, if you’ve ever wanted to literally become a walking meme, now’s your chance!

I feel like I need to emphasize the CGI part. The app doesn’t just use your 2-dimensional picture. It actually animates your face so that you truly become the meme.

Also, there is no shortage of funny pictures & GIFs to choose from, providing you with endless enjoyment.

Surprise your friends with their very own version of popular memes. 
You can even customize the text for a truly personalized experience.

Download the app now for FREE!

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