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Air Hockey Challenge! on MyAppFree
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Air Hockey Challenge!

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Who doesn’t love air hockey? You remember the days when you would have to go to your local arcade just to play a game with friends and family? Why not download the app today and enjoy the game in the comfort of your own home.

Air hockey has been around for so long yet it still brings us the joy once we get to score. Challenging your friends and family members to a game becomes exciting because you are given the opportunity to test who is the better player.

It’s also pretty simple and wouldn’t really require the practice and training needed for other sports.

The fun part is that since it is too easy it can accommodate a variety of ages to play.

Tossle with your friends and family today!

App Feature:

  • 4 different levels of support are provided (easy, normal, hard, very hard)
  • Offline versus web supported. (2 players versus mode on 1 device)
  • Excellent variety of stages with varied maps and obstacles.
  • Various barnyard animal skins . (in-app purchasable)
  • Supportive items that empower players.
  • Leaderboard, Designed for achievement.
  • over 30 languages supported.

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