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Get that natural looking beauty with SODA--your ultimate selfie partner!

Before anything else, I just want to say that we are all beautiful in our own way. But, it wouldn’t hurt to enhance our beauties even more with some impressive tech magic available with SODA. 

Every awesome finished product starts with a good base. SODA has a built-in High Resolution mode to capture even more stunning selfies. No detail will be amiss! 
After snapping a high quality image, there is an array of filters to choose from. You can also add makeup filters. So never worry about the dark circles under your eyes or blemishes on your face...because with a few quick taps, they will be gone! 

The neat thing about this app is that you can try on the filters in real-time, edit your image in real-time so that you can see what works best for you. 

Confidently upload your finished product and turn heads only with SODA. Free to download on the Store!

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