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Super Mecha Champions

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Mecha in manga and anime pertains to huge machines, typically controlled by a person inside the robot.

Super Mecha Champions combines all the fun elements of a battle royale game but with the added component of gigantic machines. If you’re looking for a more sophisticated battle royale game, Super Mecha Champions is the right fit for you!
Get your hands on uniquely cool items like plasma cannons, snipers, missiles, flamethrowers, and many more! This game also offers a breath of fresh air as all the explosive excitement happens in an urban jungle, smack in the middle of a city. Super Mecha Champions allows players to choose a pilot to strategically scavenge for weapons and wipe out the opponents. At a certain point in the game, you may call on a mecha and pilot it to crush your enemies in an epic way. This game is particularly a favorite of anime fans. The graphics is very reminiscent of Japanese art style with its warm vibrant colors and typical delicate lines.

Download and play Super Mecha Champions to unleash your skills and annihilate your contenders. Play as a team and take down other players in the Team Deathmatch mode. Available for FREE on the App Store and Play Store.

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