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Norbu Stress Control & Breathe on MyAppFree
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Norbu Stress Control & Breathe

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Stress Control Norbu is the first anti-stress App that teaches how to manage stress and emotions on a physical level.

We all know about the use of mindfulness while developing the habit to be mindful is not easy. We found how to create this habit easily in the form of a game.

Why is it important to thank yourself?

Evolutionarily, humans are better at remembering life-threatening negative events in order to avoid them in the future. 

Pleasant events do not affect survival and therefore are not as well remembered. Because of this evolutionary mechanism, humans may have the impression that life consists mostly of negative events.

However, this can be corrected. Just start writing down all the good events during the day to see that life provides a lot of positive emotions.

The Gratitude Timer will help you look at your life in a new way.

Every time you hear the timer, think of any pleasant event. It could be a delicious morning coffee, you got a good night's sleep, or you met a friend.

Write down and thank yourself for that event.

Over time, you'll learn to notice more and more pleasurable moments and begin to enjoy life even more!

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