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Rash ID - Rash Identifier on MyAppFree
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Rash ID - Rash Identifier

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12.99 $

A useful tool to identify different skin conditions

When someone wakes up in the morning with an itchy and painful rash, with no idea where it came from, their day is likely already ruined. An unknown rash typically prompts searching Google for a diagnosis, which provides people with nothing but worry and anxiety. What might be a simple allergic reaction to a new lotion seems much more extreme after scrolling through Google. 

Instead of consulting the internet for advice on a new rash, people can turn to Rash ID for credible and knowledgeable insight. Rash ID provides the same function as a dermatologist and helps its users diagnose and treat their pesky skin conditions. Through the use of AI, users can take a picture of their rash through the app by tapping the area of concern and they will then receive information on the type of rash and how it can be treated. 

Before the app launched, it scanned over thousands of rash images with their diagnoses, which makes it able to determine users’ rashes through one single image. 

The advice and insight stored on Rash ID is the best available medical information and its sources have been checked for validity and credibility. Users are able to access tons of information regarding their skin condition. The app can even be lifesaving if the rash is due to a severe allergy or something that can quickly worsen without immediate treatment. After a user has started treatment, they can save their image to the app and provide it with a new photo each day to track the progress of the rash. 

Rash ID is on sale for a limited time and can be downloaded here on myAppFree. Be sure to download the app before the sale ends as it provides users with valuable information and peace of mind. Life is simply too short to fret about skin rashes.

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