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Samsara Room

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Providing a complex and haunting escape room experience in Android and iOS, Samsara Room gives you an adventure like no other.

It gives you a trip that is creepy and existential at the same time. 

There is no back story and there isn’t any context given at the start of the game, leaving you a trail of questions that asks who you are, where you are, and what you should be doing. At the onset of the game, you find yourself just a dark wide-eyed creature in the mirror, presumably who you are in the game in the nineteenth-century house where you collect and guess what goes together and what you are supposed to do with the items collected. 

With its haunting but minimalistic approach, some may find this disturbing and each step you take makes you wonder what the hell is going on as this is not your typical escape room game. Mostly praised with the puzzles presented with an above-average level of difficulty. Many said that on the onset it looks like a horror game. However,  this is an adventure game that is very well crafted storytelling and puzzles that are both awe-inspiring and thought-provoking.

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