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Kitty Q

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What the heck? Unsuspecting, you open the front door wide to find a box containing … a half-dead cat!? Using smart puzzle skills and clever outside-the-box thinking, you can help Kitty Q to escape her peculiar quantum superposition!

Don’t worry, Anna is there to help you. She’s the great-granddaughter of the world-famous physicist and Nobel Prize winner, Erwin Schrödinger. She will help you guide Kitty Q out of the crazy quantum world. Inside the box, everything follows its own curious rules. It really is an odd world here as Anna explains, but together you get to explore her great-grandfather Erwin Schrödinger’s specialist subject: quantum physics. Every puzzle in the game refers to observations, experiments, or phenomena from this totally unbelievable field of science. It’s a whole new world to discover! 

In Kitty Q, you will discover more than 20 scientific facts about quantum physics that will amaze everyone.

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