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Rosetta Stone: Learn Languages on MyAppFree
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Rosetta Stone: Learn Languages

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The app’s language lessons boast of a TruAccent speech recognition program which helps you hone your pronunciation so you can speak like a local!

Rosetta Stone language software has been around for some time now.

The Rosetta Stone language app encourages you to learn intuitively through immersion. What the app does is it carefully designs sequences of words and images, so you can integrate and derive the meaning of each new word or phrase, without translations. Choose a learning plan that fits your goals such as improving your workplace communications, preparing for travel or speaking fluently with family and friends.

Another useful feature is that you can continue your lessons even when you’re offline. This way, you never miss a lesson!

Rosetta Stone app is free to download and is available to both Android and iOS users. You can avail of the paid version of the app, this will give you full access to all lessons, stories, and audio companions.

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