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Untappd - Discover Beer on MyAppFree
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Untappd - Discover Beer

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Do you have a thirst for great beer? That sweet taste of malt brewed to its finest, then Untappd is the app that can quench that thirst.

It’s not a mystery that if you travel to different countries or you are in a new city, you want to cap the night off with a great pint of beer. The app allows you to discover and drink your heart out to the best beers within your proximity.

Not only will you experience the best beers in town, but the app also allows you to track your experience and earn badges along the way.

If you are a beer enthusiast and you aren’t just drinking to get hammered, then this would be pivotal towards your beer-drinking journey.

Of course, the app itself does not promote irresponsible drinking, there are reminders that will pop up to advise you of drinking only the appropriate amount to enjoy the experience.

We wouldn’t want you to experience a nasty hangover.

Download the app now and see for yourself!

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