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Karaoke on MyAppFree
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Test your vocal prowess with Karaoke! The best karaoke app to enjoy with friends!

Out drinking with friends? Need something to keep you entertained? Or do you just want to improve your vocal ability?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above...You need to download Karaoke on the Store right this instant! It’s free anyway, so don’t worry!

Karaoke allows you to sing along with the tracks to some of the most popular songs and of course with the lyrics to match the track. After recording your voice singing along to the song, you can even add effects to make things more legit. Play around with  the echo or reverb effects. 

If you’re satisfied with the product, you can even share it on social media

Another cool thing about this app is that it allows you to connect with other mobile devices so that you can sing together with friends! This is perfect for parties!

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