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Easy classroom management

Classroom management has never been easier! Dojo‘s fame is fanning by the day because it incorporates all the necessary tools to run a classroom smoothly. Primarily, it integrates teachers, students, and parents all onto the app system enabling intercommunication and smoother learning. It has a class roster for marking attendance before the start of every class. Also, each student has an avatar which receives reward points upon good conduct.  Instances where points could be awarded include when a student performs well, completes assignments, and is generally well behaved.

On the flip side, a point can be negated upon bad behavior. This is instantaneously notified to the parent with specific details on what occurred and at what time of the day- effective behavior control! 

Aside from the avatar scoreboard, at the end of every week parents receive a report on the academic performance of their child. Dojo can track individual student skill sets in different subjects accurately! This helps zero in on a student-focused learning model being that every child is unique from the other.

Need more help getting organized? Class Dojo can be accessed on android, system, and mobile devices for free!

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