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With the recommendation of psychologists, therapists, and mental health experts, Calm - Meditate, Sleep, Relax helps you shake off your stresses before sleeping.

This meditation app is perfect for beginners who want to start the journey of meditating and taking care of mental health. This app’s guided meditation comes at different lengths which is very convenient and makes a beginner very comfortable on the get-go. This app is available for Android and iOS.

The best thing about this app is that it has numerous programs and different topics that suits your needs such as Calming Anxiety and Breaking a habit that you want to take off from your life. You can also track your progress and the time you used the app for meditation which can keep you informed about the effectiveness of this mediation app.

Users find the guided meditations very relaxing and soothing. It was mentioned many times how this app was such a life-changer for many who are fighting their daily struggles. Some even use the app for their children and babies. This app definitely transcends the user’s ability to choose how this helps them cope and be healthier, more focused on their responsibilities every day.

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