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MuseScore is the go-to app for sheet music. With over a million free sheet music available, you won’t need to look elsewhere.

MuseScore is the most convenient app to find sheet music. It also has the largest ever collection. So, any piece you’re looking for is most likely available in MuseScore.

You won’t have any trouble navigating this app either. MuseScore has made learning music as painless as possible. The interface is very light on the eyes and easy to navigate. 

This app packs a ton of features. You can set the visibility and volume of the instruments and  even customize the tempo. 

This app also has a built-in metronome to help you stay with the right rhythm.

 You can also create your very own music score and upload it so that other musicians can play it. Neat, right?

If you’re on a tight budget, this is the perfect app for you because it’s free to download. So, be sure to check it out.

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