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Acorns: Invest Spare Change on MyAppFree
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Acorns: Invest Spare Change

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Acorn guarantees ease into financial freedom over time

Investing the better way with Acorn guarantees ease into financial freedom over time. The app employs several automation tools to help you invest passively while still building a strong savings base. Its bread and butter Rounds up feature helps you invest your spare change.  Remember that passive saving we talked about? Well here is how it works.

Once you turn on the Round up, anytime you make a purchase Acorn will accumulate your spare change, set it aside into a pool until you reach at least 5 dollars worth.  This amount is then transferred into your Acorn Investment portfolio. With gradual, small consistent contributions, eventually, you will have enough to buy shares in the stock market.

Apart from the savings account, we have the “spends” account. It comes with a debit card giving users access to online banking services but without the extra maintenance fees.  You can as well transfer funds between your investment account and mobile bank in seconds.

Thanks to several affiliate retail partners, users can now earn superb cash back rewards each time they make a purchase locally or internationally. Download Acorn for free to save and earn money!

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