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PhotoDirector on MyAppFree
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Create stunning cinemagraph on the go!

When photos are not enough, create a cinemagraph with PhotoDirector Photo Editor. This awesome app is very easy to use for adding motion on photo & creating animated photo in motion.

This medium integrates still photos and videos which separates and animates certain sections of the picture whereas the rest of the tableau remains static. Let any of your static photo include dynamic movements, so your object in the photo really moves!

You can also add music and insert sound into the motion of the photo as well as convert photos into videos using motion-navigation cursors.

You can explore with its 20 free editing tools and play with the image’s perspective and lens correction tool. The result?  Variations of the photo as if taken from a different angle. How cool is that? Now you can amaze your friends on Facebook and Instagram!

Get creative and spend hours manipulating images. It’s FREE to install!

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