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Ten Percent Happier on MyAppFree
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Ten Percent Happier

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Stressed? Insomnia? Your quest for the perfect meditation app is over!

You’ve scoured and probably downloaded a number of free meditation apps but there’s something missing - it’s not doing its job of quieting your mind. So you’ve become skeptical. You question if meditation apps are a scam. 

You’re about to give up. Maybe, meditation apps are just for hippies and don’t have any real practical use. 

Meet Ten Percent Happier - the meditation app for skeptics. The name Ten Percent Happier comes from the belief that meditation doesn't have to change your life entirely to be effective. When you sit on a couch hoping to be enlightened you are going to be sorely disappointed. But if you can find any smaller advantages much quicker, it's a worthwhile habit to create. 

Ten Percent happier will help you get 10% kinder, 10% safer, 10% more calm. This meditation app boasts of a library of more than 500 guided meditations on subjects ranging from anxiety to parenting to concentration, ensuring you can actually find exactly the right meditation.

There is also a sleep section filled with relaxing meditations that make it quicker to fall (and stay) asleep. Bite-sized stories, insights, and encouragement that you can listen to when you're on the go-for those instances when you don't feel like meditating but want a bit of clarity of mind. 

Get your Zen going.  Download this free meditation app today.

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