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Reminder Pro on MyAppFree
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App of the Day

Reminder Pro

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2.29 $

Reminder Pro is a great and trusted app designed to inform you of planned activities.

Are you a student with tons of quizzes, reading assignments, essays to finish, long exams to study for? Or perhaps you’re one busy mom with kids to bring to swimming lessons, soccer practice, birthday parties? Do you work in an office and have to juggle multiple tasks? 

Odds are, you might need help being reminded of all your appointments and activities. You don’t need to worry anymore! Enter...Reminder Pro!

The functionality has been designed to be as painless as possible. You can set your reminder in quick, easy steps. Enter the thing you want to be reminded of, set the date and time, and voila! You’re done! The app is highly customizable, you even have the option to set it in hourly intervals. 

Never miss a single event or activity ever again with Reminder Pro!

The best thing about it is it’s ad-free...so go get it now!

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