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Your Financial Story - Evidence-based Finance Game on MyAppFree
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Your Financial Story - Evidence-based Finance Game

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2.99 $

Your Financial Story is an education-based mobile game for young adults that teaches financial skills and money management in a fun and accessible way!

With real-life scenarios carried out in a cartoon world on the screen, users can learn financial literacy in an interactive and research-proven way without the daunting task of learning through traditional avenues like old fashioned research or taking an in-person course.

When it comes to being fluent in financial best practices, there’s an overwhelming amount of information to learn, from budgeting and saving to student loans and choosing a career. Your Financial Story uses a simulation approach to teach these important life skills which allows young people to learn in a hands-on, controlled environment, which is designed to inspire users to want to learn and to make financial strategy personal and relatable instead of simply a concept to learn in the abstract

More than just a game, My Financial Story was designed by a teacher using proven methods and in-depth research on the most effective solutions to the financial situations that most young people have to navigate in their life. This revolutionary mobile app invites young people to take the first step toward financial independence and achieve their money goals with confidence.

Special deal alert!

 Your Financial Story is free for a limited time, so you can download the app and start learning and playing right away! The clock is ticking so hurry and grab it while you can – this exclusive sale won’t be available forever. Meeting your future financial and career goals have never been more simple – and enjoyable! Download today and start learning real money management skills and write your own financial story.

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