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Over a hundred news sources

If you prefer to read rather than watch news updates, PARP is for you. With over a hundred top magazines and newspapers – you’ll never miss a thing! Be it politics, business, fashion, technology, gossip, or gaming news, all the latest updates are provided under one roof. 

The app uses a modern, clean, and organized design that makes it easy to sift through the many publications available. Expect to find news from top-rated publishers such as New York Times, Vogue, National Geographic, Vanity fair, The Washington Post, Elle, TMZ, and Wall Street Journal among others. Each of these offers different topics and a unique approach to given stories. You can be sure to always get the latest copy from each of these publishers! What’s more, you can subscribe to either of them and get a notification whenever they update or post anything new. The app comes at absolutely no cost, but if you so wish, you can upgrade to the premium version and upgrade unlimited access to all the app has to offer.

Download it today and delight in reading the topics and news you are interested in across multiple publications!

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