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Alice Adventures on MyAppFree
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Alice Adventures

Follow the exciting journey of a young owl exploring the world.

From the top of the tree where Alice's family's nest was located, Alice always wondered what the world out there looked like, and she always longed to see for herself the big, beautiful earth she had heard of so many times.

Alice was an Owl who had spent her many months in life thinking about what she would do and where she would go when she was finally allowed to venture into the world.

As she flew in the open sky for the first time, she felt free and like she was born for this. She wanted to touch every part of the world. She had never felt like she belonged somewhere before, and now Alice knew she belonged to the sky.

Alice Adventures is an exciting journey of a young owl exploring the world.

Adventure mode – Fly through different levels. More levels and episodes soon.

Endless mode - Fly as long as you can. Collect the coins to unlock items to customize Alice’s outfit.

Weekly events coming soon – Weekly challenges with leaderboards and rewards.

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Apps' Wizard

Developer with a passion for crypto, cats and animated emojis on Telegram.

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