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Acast - Podcast Player on MyAppFree
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Acast - Podcast Player

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Acast brings you curated lists of channels depending on your history

If you are looking for new podcasts, Acast is the best mobile platform to have on your device. It is compatible with both IOS and Android phones, thus giving it an edge of adaptability. The app has one of the best audio collections, with topics ranging from sports, comedy, tech, politics, and several others that might interest you.

Some of the podcasts Acast allows you to stream include WTF, serial, The Naked Scientist, whose episodes you can download to listen to later. The app also has podcasts from Buzzfeed, Financial Times, and BBC, which will update you on the world's happenings.

Acast brings you curated lists of channels depending on your history, in addition to searching directly for shows of your choice. The feed feature will update you on the shows you follow, thus keeping you updated in the long run.

You may also log in with Facebook and share your playlist with your friends. Acast is free to download on both IOS and Android.  Try it out to see its niceties!

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