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Amazon Music: Stream and Discover Songs & Podcasts on MyAppFree
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Amazon Music: Stream and Discover Songs & Podcasts

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Over 50 millions tracks

When you want to hunt down new stuff to jam to, Amazon tunes are an absolute genius. Its unlimited catalog alone contains over 50 million tracks. You'll have no problem at all finding absolutely any song that you search in pretty much any genre available. Even stand-up comedy is available!  Just click on the search bar and let the app do the searching.

Its default page contains a chart menu from which you can see the hottest tracks in season. In other words, your playlist can always stay fresh. Despite this being an online app, Amazon music can also be accessed when you don’t want to drain your data allowance. Simply download your music and listen in anytime, anyplace. And the best part is, there’s no limit to how much you can download.

The grand feature however amongst all is undoubtedly Alexa voice command support. It provides hands-free control over your music regardless of the service that you're streaming.  And the app doesn’t need to be opened on your phone for it to listen!

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