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Sudoku Pro on MyAppFree
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Sudoku Pro

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2.99 $

Why play a mindless app when you could spend time playing a game that reduces anxiety, improves concentration, and enhances memory?

While adventure apps are great fun, puzzle apps like Sudoku Pro can benefit the player's life, outside of the game, in many ways. Not only do Sudoku Pro players stimulate their brain through strategic thinking but they are also left with a sense of accomplishment. 

Sudoku Pro is exceedingly user-friendly and addictive. The game is logic-based and requires the player to fill a 9 by 9 grid with numbers so that each row, column, and block contain all of the numbers from 1 to 9. It may sound easy but it proves to be a challenge every time. 

Puzzle enthusiasts are sure to fall hard for Sudoku Pro. The app has more than 9000 unique and mind-boggling puzzles for players to enjoy while riding public transit, before bed, or at virtually any other time of the day. The puzzles on Sudoku Pro are categorized in three different levels: Easy, Medium, and Hard. There are hundreds of puzzles for every player, no matter what their skill level. 

Die-hard sudoku fanatics can utilize the “notes mode” and even turn on a feature that highlights duplicates to ensure that they don’t repeat numbers in a block, row, or column. For beginners, Sudoku Pro offers the Smart Hints feature, which gives players a correct number when they find themselves stuck on a puzzle. 

For players who appreciate an app’s aesthetic, Sudoku Pro offers players 14 different color themes to choose from, along with 7 light sudoku themes, and another 7 dark sudoku themes. There is a theme that can satisfy any app user. Plus, to help players avoid losing all of their progress, Sudoku Pro auto-saves the game frequently. It can also be easily paused and resumed. 

Sudoku Pro is free for a limited time and can be downloaded here on MyAppFree. Don’t miss out on the chance to download a game for free that improves your memory skills and concentration. 

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