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Twisted Roads on MyAppFree
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Twisted Roads

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This world needs roads. And you build them. They will be twisted.

Lead the little red car through the countryside to the big city by building the missing roads.

This unusual puzzle game needs tricky logic – 30 levels of pure challenge for your pleasure.

Collect the stars, use them to purchase items in the shop that helps you complete the levels.

Enjoy the fun visuals and the stunning soundtrack!

This game is optimised for low powered devices, it supports Android Go devices also. It can be equally well played on any Android device from small phones to large screen tablets.

In-app purchase is used for actual content only, no waiting for recharge and you don’t have to buy play time.

The app is free to play, it comes with 3 practice and 10 full levels. Get more levels by purchasing new worlds or get all levels and any future developments by purchasing the full game license.

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