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Power Planner: Homework/Grades on MyAppFree
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Power Planner: Homework/Grades

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The ultimate homework app

The Power Planner, widely known as the ultimate homework app, earned this title for formidable reasons - its strongest point being the knack to give users a premium experience when planning for homework and exams.

For starters, it has a live tile feature that pops up onto your mobile screen indicating what assignments are overdue, due today, and tomorrow - remember this is without having to access the app itself. It also automatically remembers your last entered class such that you do not make a mistake of keying in the same data.

When you want to calculate your combined GPA, worry less about doing the math. Simply enter the individual grades for each subject and let the app figure the rest out! You can also compute weighted grades on this platform just as easily as you can customize the grade scales, that is, if your school uses a unique grading system.

As a bonus, at the end of every school day, Power Planner automatically sends you a notification of what is scheduled the next day beforehand.  If you happen to have a pending assignment, the app is keen to remind you one hour to the start of the class.

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