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Betterment: Saving & Investing on MyAppFree
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Betterment: Saving & Investing

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Thinking of saving for your future?

Can you imagine having a Robo advisor to help you make smart money decisions? Well, this app does it for you! And nothing like you’ve seen in movies because this is real-life experience! In the previous age, traditional advisors played the role of money management and in turn charged ridiculously high fees for it. But thanks to Betterment’s smart framework automated solutions have come to the rescue!

This means lower-income individuals can be attended to with the same level of expertise, perhaps even better. As you can imagine, there is little to no human interaction with the Robo advisor tool in place so this translates to very low fees, very low minimums, actually 0 dollars to get started.

How Betterment works is that it takes your overall investment portfolio, personal information, (things like age), and recommends asset allocation. Depending on your age, it tells you what percentage of your money should be in stocks and what amount in bonds. This is all with the aim of getting you to a safe financial space by the time you hit retirement age.

Thinking of saving for your future? Get an app that cares about how to get you there systematically. Available for free for Android and iOS devices!

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