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Accu​Battery on MyAppFree
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Accubattery is a life savior when it comes to phone's battery

Now Battery Doctor may have come up with an ingenious way of caring for your battery life but this app takes it a notch higher. It goes beyond alerting you how much time you have left with the remainder charge, to actually optimizing battery health.

With Accubattery you can gauge how much damage has been incurred during your battery’s lifetime, and learn how to avert the wear. Did you know that charging your phone to 100% deteriorates battery capacity? Well, it does and most technology experts advise against it.

To avoid battery damage, the app comes with a default setting that allows power input only up to 80 %. And to ensure this, an alarm goes off when the intended capacity is reached. Now, of course, the settings are not fixed but this goes to show how involved Accu battery is in promoting battery sustainability!

Customization is apt too. You get to decide what saving mode works best for your needs. The app can be found on both google play store and Apple store. Download it today and enjoy these benefits for free!

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