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Google News - Top world & local news headlines on MyAppFree
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Google News - Top world & local news headlines

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Most of the time you may not find every piece of news you come across interesting. Google news perfectly handles this by enabling you to single out your favorite topics and sources from the variety available. Thus only what you care about hits your news feed! If a particular story profoundly captures your attention, you can get it from different perspectives by searching using the keywords surrounding the particular story - all the recent headlines on the same will then pop up from a variety of sources. You may either choose to go through each of the stories if you have time, or download them via WiFi and read them later when offline.

With Google news, you can be sure that no breaking news will catch you unawares as the headlines tab offers an unfiltered view of the latest reports from all over the world.

The app's design and layout make it easy to find and follow the sources you like. You may also subscribe to them using your Google account – within the same app! 

Download Google News today and enjoy these among other numerous benefits!

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