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Super Cookie Brick Breaker on MyAppFree
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Super Cookie Brick Breaker

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Super Cookie Brick Breaker, a sweet looking, fun, arcade game whose keys are ability and good work.

If you enjoyed Arkanoid, if breaking bricks of candy can keep you hooked on the screen, Super Cookie Brick Breaker is the game you´ll fall in love with.

Hundreds of steps to discover, lots of candies, and exciting worlds to discover.

At each stage the bricks are different. Scoop around chocolate, ice cream, lollipops, and candy while you fight vicious enemies freeing new friends to play with.

Pay attention to the piggish POWER UPS!

When you break the bricks sweet pills falling from the skies give you powers: large pad, super ball, rapid ball, extra life, magneto, multi-ball, slow ball, or small ball. Be careful, some of these powers can complicate your round and your life! Stay away from them if you can!

Back and forth destroying bricks: simplicity and fun at the same time.

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