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Life360: Family Locator & GPS Tracker for Safety on MyAppFree
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Life360: Family Locator & GPS Tracker for Safety

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Life 360 lets you meet with friends easily

Life 360 keeps you in view of your friends without the hassle of calling or text. Need to find out where your circle is at? Simply add 360 to your app collection and stay in the know! Essentially it provides up to date local information on your whereabouts and that of your colleagues in a jiffy. If you wish, you could also add your parent or guardian to the app just to let them breathe easy knowing you are safe.

Life360 keeps track of the locations you set up. If you’re out in the café for instance, or studying in the library, it automatically informs the rest of your click so they can catch up with you in no time.  It also sends notifications as to how long you've been there and the time you left.When it's that easy to find your buddies, campus doesn't feel so mazy anymore. 

The exciting bit is the unlimited number of people you can invite. And even better, how the app syncs with your Apple watch in case your phone is not nearby.  Get life 360 today and catch up anywhere!

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