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Eternium is an Action RPG offline game. You can play as a Warrior, Mage, or Bounty Hunter with an ax, gun, staff, or sword. Increase your abilities by leveling up.

Explore forests, dark caves, graveyards, dungeons, or go to the moon and slay strange creatures in the red planet’s canyons, deserts, jungles, and pyramids.

Battle dragons, aliens, automatons, zombies, skeletons, and other creatures in the four handcrafted worlds. Find treasure chests and loot battle gear, gemstones, and gold.

Rescue your companions—healer, tanker, and ranger—who come with powerful abilities. Hunt and fight your enemy, Ragadom, then uncover and undo his sinister plans.

This game offers much more, including 20 skills and spells, offensive abilities, and an endless progression of randomly generated levels.

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