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Microsoft News: Top stories, weather & more on MyAppFree
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Microsoft News: Top stories, weather & more

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The app only works with top journalists and publishers to deliver credible breaking news and top stories across the world. These include the Washington Post, CNN, Insider, Reader’s Digest, CNBC, and Larry Brown Sports, just to mention a few. 

As you can see from the combo, these sources deliver news based on a variety of topics including news, opinion, gossip, lifestyle, business, and sports. You can pick out the topics that interest you and add them to your feed to receive quicker updates. You may also sync your preferences across the app and web! The app’s seamless design enables easy access to story after story, and moves across various sections. Features such as the night mode make reading at night convenient! 

If you have installed many apps on your phone, you may find it cumbersome to locate the app every time. To curb this, you may simply add a widget to your home screen. That way, whenever a notification is sent to your phone, you can pop in, quickly check what’s up and get back to what you were doing. 

Download Microsoft News for free on either Apple Store or Google Play Store and always stay updated!

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