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Shadow Deck

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Collect card heroes, build your deck, fight online duels against real opponents and gain rewards for victory.

Shadow Deck: Magic Heroes is an epic adventure campaign with great rewards. You’ll surely lose yourself for hours and hours enjoying the breathtaking visuals in each card and its special effects. Build your own clan or join another with your friends and enjoy more fun. 

Gain chests and get hero cards, add them to your set and upgrade them to higher levels. Discover new arenas and gain new cards with unique abilities – revive your heroes, fortify your armory, or increase damage to your heroes.Save and use tokens to improve and grow card features and tiers, and become unbeatable with your evolved cards as you duel with other online foes. 

The cards come in all four rarities -- Normal, Rare, Epic and Legendary. Take for example one of the Epic cards - Lich (Epic – Elder Lich). An excellent card that offers stealth and life drain. Elder Lich is a damage dealer card which also can heal another card. Elder Lich is probably the best and the strongest amongst the undead cards in the deck.

So what are you waiting for - DOWNLOAD for FREE!

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