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Letters Against Loneliness on MyAppFree
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Letters Against Loneliness

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In a world without the internet, people started sending letters again. Solve 100 puzzles by sending these letters to every person in the world, with one simple action: placing post offices.

How does it work? Tap an empty tile to place a post office there. Two post offices on the same line will shoot a letter to each other. If it flies by a person, also standing on that line, they grab the letter and go on their merry way!

Each new world introduces a new tile/person with special needs.

But finding the right words for them is never so easy! Mountains block your path, stubborn people need multiple messages before it comes through, and solid buildings deflect your letters elsewhere. Think carefully about the placement of each and every post office, with the few turns you have. One letter too few, or one too many, can make all the difference.

A free and relaxing puzzle game, supported by ads for hints or unlocking new worlds.

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Apps' Wizard

Developer with a passion for crypto, cats and animated emojis on Telegram.

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