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Scrabble® GO - New Word Game on MyAppFree
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Scrabble® GO - New Word Game

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Challange your friends with words, play Scrabble

If you are a pro in word search, then Scrabble Go is an ideal game to try out and challenge your wits. It is also a decent game to try out when you want to kill boredom as the chat feature allows you to talk to your friends who, in this case, are your competitors. There are four modes to try out, starting with the Duel, where you go head to head with a player of your ranking in five turns. If you are successful in the turns, you unlock price chests.

Word drop is another mode that combines a crossword's features to scrabble and makes it more interesting. The Tumbler mode works like anagrams, where you should find high scoring words from a series of letters, as you keep an eye on the timer. Finally, there is Rush, a solo mode, where you beat yourself on an 11 x 11 scrabble board.

In Scrabble leagues, you play against friends to identify the pro. Invite family and friends to the leagues and challenge them until you find a winner. You can download Scrabble Go for free.

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