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Bring your most precious captured moments to life with PixaMotion

People take photos to capture significant moments in their life, especially time spent with loved ones. Every single photo has a story behind it. To preserve the essence of the photo, PixaMotion can provide you with the tools you'll need.

Beach photos are particularly popular. With PixaMotion, you can animate the waves and sky to make your photo more enchanting. Perhaps, you might want to simulate the breeze as it blows your hair...you can do it in quick, simple steps with PixaMotion.  

The effects aren't just limited to waves. You can add rain drops and floating embers to give your photo a more dramatic and somber look. 

You can also create short animated clips that will be insta-worthy. So, be creative and let loose with all the filters and effects to achieve your desired video/photo.

Stet your pictures apart from the rest with PixaMotion. Free to download and use on the Play Store.  

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