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Tofu Drifter on MyAppFree
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Tofu Drifter

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Tofu Drifter is a fun arcade game inspired by Initial D manga, in which you have to act as a manufacturer of tofu, a popular soy product.

You will have to deal with a wide range of issues: manufacturing products, improving the vehicle fleet, garage and office, as well as delivering goods to customers. First, you will have at your disposal an old wrecked car that can hardly obey the controls. Gradually, with the advent of profit, you will be able to update your vehicle fleet by purchasing a more reliable and strong vehicle. Deliver products, being careful not to break the cargo during transportation. Be careful on the road – every collision of a car with a tree, a bump stop or a lamp post causes irreparable damage to the load.

Take an order for tofu delivery, go to the track and show off your drifting skills!

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Apps' Wizard

Developer with a passion for crypto, cats and animated emojis on Telegram.

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