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Sonic Dash - Endless Running & Racing Game on MyAppFree
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Sonic Dash - Endless Running & Racing Game

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Sonic the Hedgehog has been a star of a millennial’s childhood as he stars in his own cartoons, toys and definitely arcade games.

Sonic is known for his speed and no wonder Sega came barging and came up with incredible gameplay reminiscent of Temple Run and Subway Surfer to collect rings that can be used for power-ups or dodge hazards.

Mostly praised for the fun gameplay and very good graphics but needs more development in the control’s responsiveness. There is also that excitement in unlocking playable characters but also the difficult boss challenge. There is no bad guy that is chasing Sonic to make him run faster, but there are obstacles. Although Sonic Dash is a very fun game to play and would definitely keep you awake, it is not revolutionary.

One thing is for sure, there are a lot of reasons that this arcade game is going strong and it was not just for a nostalgic reason. The excitement of playing this dash and dodge game had us holding on to our seats and passing the time putting our arcade days accessible wherever we are and both available on Google Play and App Store.

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